The young girl in the red, Christmas sweater, posed proudly and excitedly with her gift! It was Christmas! As adults, the magic of Christmas is rightly centered on the birth of Christ. But when we were kids, if we are honest with ourselves, it was all about cookies and treats,
St. Petersburg (by Janet Shelton) – Amber Horton breathed a sigh of relief when a Catholic Charities van showed up in her neighborhood and caseworkers started handing out food, water, clothing and other emergency support. She was especially pleased with the clothing – partly because she lost almost every piece when
Over five hundred friends of the Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center program celebrated LIFE together at the annual Gala and Silent Auction. The celebratory fundraiser was held at Higgins Hall on the campus of St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Tampa on a beautiful November evening. The evening offered great food
Clearwater, FL (by Teresa Peterson on April 15, 2018) – Richard Peete had a family and a successful, middle-class life and he dreamed of a bright future. But things changed drastically in 1998 when his 28-year-old wife and four-year-old child died in a car accident. While still suffering from that