24 Hours of Online Giving on May 5th: You can make a difference!
Catholic Charities, Diocese of St. Petersburg is joining with over 500 other local nonprofit groups to raise as much money as possible during the 2nd year of this unique event. GiveDay TampaBay is the greater Tampa/St. Petersburg community’s day to celebrate the spirit of philanthropy. Our friends and neighbors are encouraged to join the effort and donate online from midnight to midnight on May 5th! Help us create a culture of giving and in so doing help the neediest among us.
Learn more at the event website: https://www.givedaytampabay.org or GIVE directly to Catholic Charities at: https://www.givedaytampabay.org/#npo/catholic-charities
Mark Dufva, Executive Director of Catholic Charities Diocese of St. Petersburg, encourages people to support this event:
“Today, despite leading busy, hectic lives, we can stay connected with one another through social media. GiveDay TampaBay is a wonderful event because it allows those of us providing services to the most vulnerable members of our community to broaden our reach to you, our friends and neighbors, who may want to give, but didn’t have the time or even know how or where. Now, you can donate online during a single, twenty-four hour day! It’s fast and simple. Giving to Catholic Charities can fulfill your ultimate impact and carry on your faith in helping others.”
Your donation will allow us to provide critically needed assistance such as disaster relief; services to veterans, the elderly, refugees and immigrants, the homeless, and persons with disabilities and AIDS/HIV; and includes free (Pinellas Hope) and affordable housing, food, clothing, medical care, adoption and pregnancy-related assistance, and counseling. We serve all residents of Citrus, Hernando, Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties.
PLUS, beyond making the $25 minimum donation, HELP Catholic Charities earn all (4) of the following $5,000 special prizes:
We’re calling this #CatholicCharitiesGiveDayTampaBayDriveforFive
- Donate closest (3 separate prizes) to 6:46 pm or 8:06 pm or Midnight
- Have the most donated dollars during Lunch (12 noon – 1 pm)
So what can YOU do?
- Like or Follow us on Facebook (and check for periodic updates on how we’re doing): https://www.facebook.com/CCharitiesDOSP
- Share our Facebook posts with all your friends
- Tweet about #GiveDayTampaBay and #CatholicCharitiesDOSP and #CatholicCharitiesGiveDayDrive4Five participation and results throughout the day: https://twitter.com/CCharitiesDOSP
- DONATE Online during the LUNCH HOUR (12 noon ’til 1 pm) at: https://www.givedaytampabay.org/#npo/catholic-charities
- Share the event poster and logos:
GiveDay TampaBay Poster: Downloadable GiveDay TampaBay 11×17 poster (PDF)
GiveDay TampaBay Logo: GiveDay TampaBay Downloadable Logo (PNG)
Catholic Charities, Diocese of St. Petersburg Logo: Catholic Charities Downloadable Logo (PNG)