We have all heard the saying “It takes a village.” To the homeless population in our community, this could not be more true.
Thanks to Sacred Heart Catholic Church and their partnership with Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Tampa Police Department and Guided Path Foundation, Catholic Charities Tampa Hope staff was able to attend a multi-agency Homeless Outreach Event on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. According to Rob Boelke with Sacred Heart Catholic Church, “From shower trucks and haircuts, to health screenings and legal assistance, more than 100 attendees were assisted by the more than 25 services providers on hand. A heartfelt and humble thank you goes out to all of our dedicated partners, vendors, volunteers, donors, and staff.”
The homeless population lined up to receive social services, clothing, showers, haircuts, medical screenings, food and even supplies for their pets! Tampa Hope staff was able to connect with these homeless men and women to share information about their homeless shelter. The Tampa Hope staff returned to Tampa Hope with 17 formerly homeless individuals! According to Tampa Hope Program Director Cynthia Jones-Northington, “This event was about community, networking and access to services for the homeless. We accepted 17 homeless men and women for 22 open tents, so, yes, I think we did very well for this unique event.”
Tampa Hope provides a safe living environment for homeless individuals; providing meals, clothing, counseling and more as they work to return to the path of self-sufficiency. Learn more at www.ccdosp.org/tampa-hope. To donate, text tampahope 91999 or visit www.ccdosp.org/donate.